Well who’d have thought back in March we’d now be in our third lockdown? We certainly didn’t, but it’s been really rewarding to be able to help so many children keep reading at home.
The Reading Chest team has been working hard to maintain business as usual to continue regular book deliveries to all the keen (and not so keen) young readers. What a joy it has been to see so many our members having fun with real books and not just stuck on a screen all day!
Lockdown has meant unavoidable extra screen time for children, however we can’t stress enough the advantages of reading real books. Children can read wherever they like, whenever they like, flipping back and forth through the pages. Sometimes, it is real incentive being able to physically count the number of pages.
We just love REAL BOOKS!
In order to keep sending children books at home we have had to make adjustments to our book rental service to ensure we are Covid safe. Reading Chest has such a large stock of book banded reading schemes, that we are able to quarantine all returned books before they are cleaned and put back into circulation.
Reading Chest is confident we can continue to provide a Covid safe service to keep children enjoying reading and having fun at home!
We would love you to tag us on Facebooks and Instagram with your fun photos of children enjoying their books in interesting places!