Attack of the X-bots Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Dr X has unleashed his X-bot army. Max, Cat, Tiger and Ant have built up the defences around their new micro-den. Now, they wait anxiously for the attack…

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Project X
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Anthony McGowan

Reviews from Our Readers

Ciaran (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
The children (Max, Ant, Tiger and Cat) are in their den on an island when the X-bots invade them. First, they come across the water on floats, but a fish bites the float and the X-bot explodes. Next, the X-bots travel by air. The children use a catapult to fire water balloons and destroy the X-bots. The remaining X-bots go underground to get to the island where the children are. The children use traps (a magnet and bubblegum)to catch the X-bots. The leftover X-bots get stomped on by ducks.

The main characters are
The X-bots and the children.

My favourite part of the book is
Plug and Socket's crazy speech.

I would also like to say
This book is very funny.

Alvin (Age 8)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
When max cat ant and tiger are in there new micro den (wich is really tiger`s toy castle)when some x3 bots come and invade.In the previos book they had made traps. tigers bubble gum trap sucseeded and they managed to defeat them. they knew it was not the end.

My favourite part of the book is
is when the x bots got stuck in the bubble gum trap.

I would also like to say
It is an exellent book.It can help you to defend yourself if you get attacked.

Mark (Age 5)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
The micro-friends and the x-bots.

My favourite part of the book is
All of it!

I would also like to say
It's great! It's excellent! It's phenomenal!

See a Sample Page

Attack of the X-bots Sample Page