What's the Book About?
Poor Brother Aelred has the voice of an angel but his feet are so smelly that the other monks don’t want him around. But when some Vikings threaten the monastery can he save the day? A humorous story
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Collins Big Cat
- Type: Fiction
- Author: Gillian Cross
Reviews from Our Readers
Ciaran (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
There are some monks. One is called Brother Aelred and he has stinky feet. He does not mind working with the pigs.
One day when he is drawing he sees some Vikings. He shouts to the other monks. They need to save the holy books and relics.
Brother Aelred volunteers to take the holy books and relics to a safe place where the Vikings might not find them.
Eventually the Vikings find Brother Aelred hiding in the chest with the holy books and relics. The Vikings open the chest, smell Brother Aelred´s stinky feet and faint. When they come round they think Brother Aelred is a magician. He manages to make them go home singing a peace song.
The other monks have a celebration mass and Brother Aelrd gets to look after the pigs in the summer, but draw and write in the winter.
The main characters are
Brother Aelred
My favourite part of the book is
I liked the introduction when it mentions that Brother Aelred´s stinky feet could turn the milk sour or the meat rotten.
I would also like to say
I wonder what happens to the pigs in the winter when Brother Aelred is drawing and writing? The book does not tell you what happens to them.
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