What's the Book About?
They have suffered much – slavery, oppression and discrimination – and they have overcome. This book tells you their story through the lives of some remarkable people. Level 12, Pack A
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Tree Tops
- Type: Non-Fiction
- Author: Errol Lloyd
Reviews from Our Readers
Natasha Murphy-Latham (Age 7)
Rating: 4 / 5
This book is about
This book is really interesting. It is about famous people who are black who have made a difference to the way people were treated as slaves. It has famous black people from a long time ago who helped to stop the slave trade, and also people from not very long ago too.
The main characters are
Rosa Parks is one of the characters in the book who I like the best. She refused to give her seat to a white person on a bus one day in America, and this changed the way all of America had to treat black people which I think is amazing. Martin Luther King was also interesting as he came from the same place as Rosa Parks.
Mary Secole was also my favourite as she was a black nurse who looked after poorly people in theCrimean War, and she was known as the Black Florence Nightingale.
My favourite part of the book is
When I read about Nelson Mandela I did not know who he was before, and I thought it was amazing that he spent such a long time in prison just for saying what he thought was right. When I read that he is now free from prison I was very happy and I think he is a very special person. He makes me want to do something good one day.
I would also like to say
I did not know much about famous black people until I read this book. I learned a lot about slavery and it made me think about how black people are treated today.
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