What's the Book About?
This book is called Flash The Dog Dives In!. It's published by Bug Club, and has a book band of Extended. We're yet to add a longer description to our library for this one.
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Bug Club
- Type: Fiction
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan D (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
In the middle of a play, Flash the Dog appears when Jack says, Flash. Flash is a hero dog from Jack's comic. Flash goes onto the stage and grabs the cane from Bill Sykes. The head teacher, Miss Evans, tells Jack off and tells him not to bring his dog to school again. Sara Spinks comes over and sings, Jack got in trouble!.
On Friday, Jack's class go to the farm. Sara Spinks falls into the pond and starts to disappear into the water. Jack calls, Flash who races into the water and pulls Sara back to the muddy bank.
Miss Evans says that the dog was wonderful!
The main characters are
Flash the dog, Jack and Sundar.
My favourite part of the book is
When Flash appears in the book.
I would also like to say
I did not care that Sara Spinks fell into the water because she was not very nice to Jack when he got into trouble at school with Miss Evans.
Emmanuel Akpobi (Age 10)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
In the book Jack and his friend Sundar are talking about flash the hero dog. When they start talking about the person playing Bill Sykes and accidently said Flash and the hero dog shows up and ruins the play so Jack gets told off.
The main characters are
The main characters are Jack and flash the hero dog.
My favourite part of the book is
My favourite part is when Flash barges into the play.
I would also like to say
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