Further, Faster, Higher Book Cover

What's the Book About?

How is the way we travel changing? Cars, planes and bicycles can travel further, faster and higher than ever before in history. But has this made our lives any better? Read about transport as it was, how it is today and the impact it will have in the future. Level 9

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Tree Tops
  • Type: Non-Fiction
  • Author: Mark McArthur-Christie

Reviews from Our Readers

Hannah Courtney (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
cars, bikes, planes and buses. It was very interesting.

My favourite part of the book is
when it told me about the bike with a funny basket.

I would also like to say
I love riding my bike around forest parks. My twin brothers have a special trailor that Daddy pulls them in. My sister like her bike but mummy hates cycling!

See a Sample Page

Further, Faster, Higher Sample Page