What's the Book About?
So you want to be an Anglo-Saxon? From fighting the Vikings and praying to gods, to making books from animal skin – all is revealed in this fun non-fiction guide. An information book
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Collins Big Cat
- Type: Non-Fiction
- Author: Scoular Anderson
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan D (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
The Angles and the Saxons came to Britain in 450 CE. They were farmers or craftsmen.
Anglo-Saxons wore tunics. Wealthy men carried a beautiful sword and wealthy women had silk or fabulous jewellery.
Some Anglo-Saxons prayed to gods such as Tiw the god of War (from where we get the word Tuesday); Woden leader of the gods (Wednesday); Thor god of thunder (Thursday) and Frija, Woden's wife (Friday).
Eostre was an Anglo-Saxon goddess from where we get the word Easter. She brought flowers and leaves to the trees in Spring.
St. Augustine brought Christianity to the Anglo-Saxons and built a monastery in Canterbury.
The Vikings came in 700CE and invaded England. In 1066, the Normans came and took over England.
The main characters are
The Anglo-Saxons.
My favourite part of the book is
Learning that Anglo-Saxons had their belonging buried with them when they died in case they neede them in the next life.
I would also like to say
When the Normans arrived, William the Conqueror was King of England and had defeated Harold Godwin in the Battle of Hastings.
Lucas (Age 8)
Rating: 4 / 5
This book is about
This book is an information book about the Anglo Saxon age.
The main characters are
The king, the Anglo Saxons
My favourite part of the book is
working out the riddle on page 7 :)
I would also like to say
It is funny and interesting. The word Easter is from the Anglo Saxon goddess Eostre.
Ciaran (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
The book tells you how to become an Anglo-Saxon in 13 steps. Some of the steps are building a house; doing something useful and fighting the Vikings.
The main characters are
The Anglo-Saxons.
My favourite part of the book is
When the craftsman makes a pot from clay.
I would also like to say
If I was an Anglo-Saxon I would have liked to be a port reeve who checks if there are any ships coming for the king.
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