Pet Squad Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Have you ever wondered who looks after your pets when humans aren’t around? The answer might just be the Pet Squad and their fearless leader – Bubbles the goldfish. Level 13, Pack B

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Tree Tops
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Paul Shipton

Reviews from Our Readers

Ethan D (Age 6)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
Ginger the kitten is stuck in a tree and Butch, Spud and Blood would not let her come down. Tiddles came to tell Bubbles about it. Bubbles called The Pet Squad together to help Ginger. Polly pretended to be Butch's owner and called him for a chocolate biscuit. He ended up running into a van that took him ten miles away. Spud (a bulldog) was called a 'poodle' and got angry. He ran after Lightning and accidentally ran into Mr. Grundy the lollipop man and bit him on the bottom. Mr. Grundy chased Spud away. Bubbles, Mipsy and Mupsy tried to spray Blood with a water hose, but the drains were being worked on and the water had been turned off. Peachie and the other neighbourhood animals came to help and scared Blood away.

The main characters are
The Pet Squad who are Bubbles the goldfish, Polly the parrot, Pedro the dog, Carla the cat, Lightning the tortoise, Peachie the puppy and Mipsy and Mupsy the bunnies. Also, Butch, Spud and Blood the mean dogs.

My favourite part of the book is
When Blood says, I guess fish is off the menu.

I would also like to say
Be kind to animals!

Emmanuel (Age 9)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
in the book pet squad the pet squad have to deal with some very mean dogs that bully the animals smaller than them. But the pet squad are up to the task and in the end there is a new member in pet squad, Peachie.

The main characters are
the main characters of the story are bubbles Pedro, Butch, Spud, Blood, Carla, Lightning, Mipsy and Mupsy.

My favourite part of the book is
My favourite part of the book is when spud bites Mr Grundy's bottom because it's harlarious how you can see that Mr Grundy was really in pain.

I would also like to say
I will like to say that this is a marvellous book to read.

Ciaran (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
In this book, there is a team called ¨Pet Squad¨ and they help animals in need. They help Ginger the kitten to get down from a tree that Blood, Spud and Butch have chased him up and will not let him down from. They help by tricking the three dogs into doing things like pretending to be one of the dog´s owners and calling for him and trapping another dog in a van.

The main characters are
Bubbles, Pedro, Lightning, Carla, Polly, Peachie, Blood, Spud, Butch, Mipsy and Mupsy.

My favourite part of the book is
When Peachie becomes part of the Pet Squad because she is looks so proud and cute.

I would also like to say
There is a Pet Squad advert at the back of the book.

Fionn (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
All animals work as a team in pet squad happily.

The main characters are
Bubbles, Polly, Pedro, Carla, Mipsy, Mumpsy & lighning the tortoise and together they are the pet squad.

My favourite part of the book is
When everyone animal pairs up in order to help their friends.

I would also like to say
This is book is exciting with all the animals and human gives respect to animals. You can read this book in approx 45 mins.

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