What's the Book About?
Robo-Vac can tidy up anything. It brushes. It picks up crumbs. But it also wants to run Connor’s life. How can he stop the little robot without hurting its feelings? Level 9
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Tree Tops
- Type: Fiction
- Author: Susan Gates
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan D (Age 5)
Rating: 3 / 5
This book is about
Great-Gran gave Connor a Robo-Vac. It cleaned things up like Connor's homework and dirty socks. It then went to Connor's sister's (Gemma) bedroom to clean that. She did not have any mess. Robo-Vac was sad about this. Gemma messed her bedroom up to make Robo-Vac happy.
Robo-Vac met a friend, the mower. It liked how the mower tidied the grass.
The main characters are
Connor, Gemma, Great-Gran, Robo-Vac and the mower.
My favourite part of the book is
When Robo-Vac tidied Connor's bedroom.
I would also like to say
This is a fiction book. Robo-Vac sung while it worked.
Hanaka (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Conner's gran had a cleaning machine in her flat. It was called Robo-Vac. But she said she didn't like it so Conner took it home. But he didn't like it in his room because he liked his room messy. So he tried to get rid of Robo-Vac.
The main characters are
My favourite part of the book is
When Connor made him go crazy.
I would also like to say
Robo-Vac is crazy because he cleans everything. He
Hannah Courtney (Age 7)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
He loved robots and his mummy told him there was one at hos great grandmas house. He was a cleaning robot called Robot-Vac. He pushed a button and it started going crazy. Granny was fed up and gave it to him.
My favourite part of the book is
when Robot-Vac fell in love with the lawnmower.
I would also like to say
this book is funny because he fell in love.
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