What's the Book About?
Will Sam’s plan to protect his street from the overflowing river be a success?
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Project X
- Type: Fiction
- Author: Simon Cheshire
Reviews from Our Readers
Chloe Zuiderwijk (Age 5)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Sam saving his street from a flood.
The main characters are
Sam, mum and dad.
My favourite part of the book is
When Sam told his parents about the flood plan and what to do.
I would also like to say
That I would like to be a hero to save my planet from a flood.
Eleanor (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Sam was worried every time it rained and one day it rained for days and days and did not stop. Luckily Sam looked on the internet and found a flood plan and he wrote it down and used it.
The main characters are
Sam, Mum, Dad and their Neighbours.
My favourite part of the book is
When Sam saved the day with his flood plan.
I would also like to say
My mum was surprised that this book arrived in the post, the day after we had had torrential rain where we live! The roads were like rivers and the local underpass was badly flooded too!
Alex (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Sam fears a lot of things especially floods so he makes a flood plan, then it starts to rain
The main characters are
Sam, mum and dad
My favourite part of the book is
I liked when he put his fears a side and put his plan into action
I would also like to say
This was a very interesting book, i really liked it
Skyes Mummy (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Skye loved this story and in particular the train of though of its main character
The main characters are
A Young fearful boy has a lot of worries and what if's. In particular he worries that the river at the end of his garden will rise up and flood his house.
My favourite part of the book is
When the fearful boy puts his worries aside and figures out a way to save the house and, the rest of the houses in the street
I would also like to say
georgia (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
it rains a lot and Sam stops the houses from flooding
The main characters are
My favourite part of the book is
at the end everyone is happy that Sam saved their houses
I would also like to say
there are interesting facts at the end of the story
Declan (Age 5)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
a boy called sam who is worried about alot of things
My favourite part of the book is
who everyone listens to him and he saves everyones houses
I would also like to say
i liked this book
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