What's the Book About?
The little house gets broken at school. How does it get mended? Level 7, Stories
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Oxford Reading Tree
- Type: Fiction
- Author: Roderick Hunt
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan (Age 5)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
The children were at school and found an old mangle. The teacher showed them how it worked.
The next day, Biff and Chip took their old, little house to school. Wilf climbed on Mrs. May's desk and dropped some books onto the roof of the house and it got smashed.
The magic key began to glow and took the children on an adventure to a house with a broken roof that was being repaired.
There were three children outside the house playing. They wore different clothes to Biff, Chip and Kipper.
The main characters are
Biff, Chip, Kipper, Edward, Victoria and Will.
My favourite part of the book is
When Wilf smashed the roof of the little house.
I would also like to say
The adventure was in the Victorian times.
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