What's the Book About?
The only thing Phil can catch is a cold,’ laughs his team. Can he discover how to be a better goalie? Level 13
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Tree Tops
- Type: Fiction
- Author: Paul Shipton
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan D (Age 6)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
In the book, Phil is a goalie, but is bad at getting the ball.
He kicks a ball over a fence and hits a greenhouse window. Mrs. Frost tells Phil he has to pay to fix the window because he broke it, but Phil does not end up paying for it because he agrees to work with Mrs. Frost for a week to be a better goalie.
Mrs. Frost teaches Phil to catch tennis balls and balloons filled water so that he can be a better goalie.
The main characters are
Phil and Mrs. Frost.
My favourite part of the book is
When Phil learns to catch the tennis balls.
I would also like to say
This book could also have been called Phil Learns How to be a Goalie.
Ciaran (Age 7)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
Phil is rubbish at saving the ball in football. One night when he is walking home after football, he accidentally kicks the ball at Mary Frost's greenhouse and smashes a window. Mary Frost comes out and is cross and says that she will teach him to be a good goalie.
Mary teaches him lots of techniques to save the ball. He thinks they are daft, but works out eventually why she is getting him to do them.
At the next football match, he saves lots of goals and his team mates are proud of him.
The main characters are
Mary Frost and Phil, the goalie.
My favourite part of the book is
When Phil thinks the football techniques that Mary is teaching him are daft.
I would also like to say
This book is exciting and will make you want to continue reading it.
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