The Quigleys Wild Life Book Cover

What's the Book About?

At the Wildlife Park, Lucy bumps into a really big, fierce animal, some interesting facts tumble into Will’s mind … Brown A, A humorous story

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Bug Club
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Simon Mason

Reviews from Our Readers

Ciaran (Age 6)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
The Quigleys go to a wildllife park and Will wrote a quiz to see how much the family knew about the wild animals. He knew lots of interesting facts about the animals. Will decides to show the family the white rhinos, bats, crocodiles and other fierce animals. Lucy wants to go the farmyard to see the chicks, rabbits and guinea pigs. Will ignores what Lucy wants and keeps showing the family what he wants to see. Mum and Dad go to a cafe and tell Will to go to the farmyard directly with Lucy. Will pretends to be a bear and says that Lucy has to be a girl lost in the woods. She does not want to play so decides to go to the farmyard by herself. She falls into a ditch and the white rhino smells her. Will goes to help her to escape.

The main characters are
The Quigleys.

My favourite part of the book is
When Lucy falls into the ditch.

I would also like to say
There is an introduction inside the front cover of the book.

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