The Ultimate Trainers Book Cover

What's the Book About?

A pair of gleaming new trainers in the rubbish? Jake soon finds there’s more to them than meets the eye … Level 13

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Tree Tops
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Paul Shipton

Reviews from Our Readers

Ciaran (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
In the book, Jake finds a new pair of trainers in a rubbish bin. He puts them in his school locker to keep them safe and uses them to practice for the running championship race. Anna times each lap. The trainers seem to do the running for him. One day when he goes to his locker, he finds the trainers are missing and realises that Kevin Beadle has taken them. Jake meets some people from the future that are looking for the trainers as well. They see Kevin Beadle wearing them and he uses them to win the race. After the race, the trainers get angry with Kevin Beadle and take him on a journey until he returns the trainers.

The main characters are
Jake, Anna and Kevin Beadle.

My favourite part of the book is
When Kevin Beadle is dragged around the town by the trainers.

I would also like to say
The people from the future use a calculator to sense where the trainers are.

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