What’s That Noise? Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Ryan hears strange noises in the night. His dad says it’s a cat with a bad foot, but Ryan isn’t so sure…

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Rigby Star
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Sally Prue

Reviews from Our Readers

Anaya (Age 5)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
Ryan hears bang, bang, bang at night and he is frightened

The main characters are
Ryan, mum and Da

My favourite part of the book is
I enjoyed all of it

I would also like to say

Izzy (Age 4)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
Ryan went to sleep but he had a dream about a bunny. The bunny had big feet and he was giant but he popped out of a hole. Ryan thought the noise was the bunny but it wasn't.

The main characters are
Ryan. I liked his sticky up hair!

My favourite part of the book is
The bunny in Ryan's dream. The ending.

I would also like to say
I loved the bunny because he was so big and he was my favourite colours - white and pink and orange.

Kaylynn (Age 5)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
This is about a little boy who can't sleep because he keeps hearing a very load banging noise

The main characters are
Ryan, mum and dad

My favourite part of the book is
I liked 'BANG, BANG, BANG' the best. It was fun

I would also like to say
I really liked this book it was very funny

Alex (Age 6)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
This is about a little boy who can't sleep because he keeps hearing a very load banging noise

The main characters are
Ryan, mum and dad

My favourite part of the book is
I liked Ryan's dream about the big rabbit with the big stamping feet

I would also like to say
I thought this book was a lot of fun

Hannah (Age 6)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
his Dad is making a secret train track because his son loves trains.

My favourite part of the book is
is when he showed the little boy his surprise.

I would also like to say
my mummy says I like making lots of noise!!!!!

carina (Age 6)

Rating: 1 / 5

This book is about
a boy that couldn't fall asleep.

My favourite part of the book is
Is when i saw the trainplayset.

I would also like to say
He enjoyed playing with his toy trains.

See a Sample Page

What’s That Noise? Sample Page