With children up and down the country finally back in the classroom – getting their reading mojo back will be a high priority.
Here are some of Reading Chest’s top tips to get your child’s reading back on track as they start the new school term:
- Do not compare your child’s reading level to others in the class. After almost 6 months out of the classroom, the differences between children’s reading levels will be more extreme than ever before. The most important thing is to help your child enjoy reading, rather than race through the book bands.
- Be confident supporting your child at home. In the earlier stages of learning to read, your child will be taught to read using phonics. Familiarise yourself with the way phonics is taught in schools. There are lots of useful sites to help with phonics such as www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/advice-for-parents/phonics-videos
- Lockdown learning. If you got into good reading habits during lockdown, try to keep it up. Children may have used their literacy skills in everyday life around the house, such as writing shopping lists and reading recipes. Lots of families have had the advantage of dads being around more and getting more involved with reading. Dads helping with reading and being reading role models can have a huge positive affect – particularly with boys.
- Get into a good reading routine. Reluctant readers are much less likely to protest to reading when it is part of a normal regular routine. If reading is squeezed into spare time slots, they may feel they are being prevented from doing something else more fun.
- Make your own reading record. Schools may not be sending reading records home in the same way due to the pandemic. Have fun creating your own reading record or reward chart with your child to keep up the enthusiasm.
- Read together at bedtime. The key to being a good reader in the long run is to develop a love of reading. So – keep bedtime reading a fun and special time when you can share a book of choice together.
It is important to have a good selection of books at home at the right level for your child. During these uncertain times, some schools are finding it tricky under the current guidance to send books home with children. We are fortunate enough to have a big enough stock at Reading Chest, that we can ensure all our books that are sent out to members have been cleaned and quarantined for at least 72 hours.
It is certainly going to be a different school experience for pupils, teachers and parents alike, but that does not mean reading development needs to take a knock.
Keep reading at home and kids will get their reading groove back in no time!