The summer term is notoriously chaotic – sports day, summer productions and assessments, you name it, it’s crammed in!
So, we thought we’d compile our list of top tips to help your little ones continue to enjoy their reading at home, during this busy time.
10 Minutes a Day
You might find the usual reading routine goes out the window – but finding just 10 minutes a day to enjoy reading together can keep the momentum going.
Remember, bedtime may not be the best time for every child to read as they will be tired – however listening to a bedtime story is still a hugely beneficial part of their reading journey!
Inspiring Books
Having access to a variety of fiction and non-fiction in a range of topics can really boost your child’s confidence.
Whilst phonics is an important tool in learning to read, it is part of a much bigger picture. The most important thing is to encourage a love of books and reading for pleasure.
Reading Aloud
This is key to any reading journey. Reluctant readers in particular can really benefit from reading aloud as it helps maintain interest in books and aids with focus. Allowing time to discuss what you are reading together also helps develop critical thinking skills.
Make Time for Reading Yourself
Let your children see you reading. Research shows that the impact of parents reading has a huge positive effect on children’s reading habits and motivation.
Enjoy the last term – and get into good habits now, to help keep the reading going throughout the summer holidays!
For any reading advice or guidance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!