We are all excited by the announcement that schools will be back on the 8th March but that does mean that World Book Day on 4th March will still be a remote event. Children have become real experts at remote learning and Reading Chest has loved helping so many of them read real books at home throughout the last year of lockdowns.
We would like to inspire more young readers – so to celebrate World Book Day, Reading Chest would like teachers and school staff to nominate a child they feel would benefit from a Reading Chest subscription – giving a 6 month supply of reading scheme books delivered to their door.
Children will receive regular personalised deliveries of books through the post, that they have been able to choose themselves at just the right book band to help them make the most progress with their reading.
We have 10 gift voucher subscriptions to giveaway
Teachers – for a chance to win, please send your nominations to: [email protected] by 4th March.
Include your name, school name & address, child’s first name & year group together with a sentence or two on why you think they deserve this amazing prize (perhaps a child who has worked really hard during lockdown? Or someone who needs a confidence boost with their reading etc.)
We will pick 10 winners and contact the nominating winning teachers on 5 March.
If you have any queries please feel free to get in touch either via email or give us a call on 01252 705100.
Good Luck & Happy Reading!

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