What's the Book About?
Find out what it takes to be an amazing athlete. Learn how to cope with early morning, competition nerves and how to defeat the chimp! Then take the quiz to see if you have what it takes. Brown A, an information text
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Bug Club
- Type: Non-Fiction
- Author: Paul Mason
Reviews from Our Readers
Natasha Murphy-Latham (Age 7)
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is about
This is a book about sport and how to be really good at it. I have been watching the Olympic Games in London, and I really liked the rowing. I want to try this sport and the book tells you what it is like to train to be an Olympic athlete and be a sports star.
It tells you how what to eat and what it is like to fit training into your day and how hard you have to work to be really great.
The main characters are
There is no specific character in the book. This book is special though because it has lots of photographs of real people and this makes you feel that it could be you who could be a sport start if you work really hard!
My favourite part of the book is
I loved reading this book while I was watching all the Olympic sports on television at the Olympic Games in London. The aim of the games has been to inspire children like me to want to be a sports star, and this book has helped me to understand how difficult it is to be the best at a particular sport, and how by being healthy and working hard I might be able to be a great sports star one day!
I would also like to say
This was very easy t read, and you did not have to read it all at once. It was full of lots of useful things about what to eat and how to train to be good at sport. I love sport and thought this book was brilliant!
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