Lone Wolf Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Grey, the wolf cub, is lost in the forest. He is tired, hungry and wounded. Without his family to defend him, how will he survive?

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Project X
  • Type: Fiction
  • Author: Susan Gates

Reviews from Our Readers

Ciaran (Age 7)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
Grey gets lost when the water in the river sweeps him away from his family. He was trying to swipe a fish. A hunter tries to shoot Grey, but Grey survives and hides in the bushes. He becomes a pack leader and then finds his family. The two packs join together.

The main characters are
Grey, the wolf.

My favourite part of the book is
When Grey becomes a pack leader.

I would also like to say
There are a few facts in the back of the book about wolves.

Linus (Age 6)

Rating: 3 / 5

This book is about
a wolf that got lost

My favourite part of the book is
when Lone Wolf got a new pack

I would also like to say
wolves are my favorite animal

See a Sample Page

Lone Wolf Sample Page