What's the Book About?
What lies under the ocean? Why are oceans important? An information book
Book Details
- Band:
- Scheme: Collins Big Cat
- Type: Non-Fiction
- Author: Angie Belcher
Reviews from Our Readers
Ethan (Age 6)
Rating: 4 / 5
This book is about
This book is about oceans and tells you about why we have to look after the ocean, scuba diving, ocean food chains and about life underwater.
The most important part of the book is about saving the sea animals like whales, fish and sea lions. They might become extinct if people continue to catch too many fish, throw plastic into the oceans or use fishing nets that trap sea animals.
The main characters are
My favourite part of the book is
Reading about the transmitter being put onto the sea lion.
I would also like to say
It was sad when the oil tanker spilled oil into the ocean and the penguins got hurt.
I also enjoyed watching the Blue Planet series about life in the oceans.
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