The Stone Age Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Over 25,000 years ago, people left handprints on the wall of a cave. Discover the clues Stone-Age people left behind, and find out what life was like thousands of years ago. An information book

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Collins Big Cat
  • Type: Non-Fiction
  • Author: Juliet Kerrigan & Laura Sua

Reviews from Our Readers

Rowan (Age 5)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
It tells you facts about the Stone Age.

The main characters are
No main characters

My favourite part of the book is
I enjoyed all the book.

I would also like to say
The book is interesting.

Ethan (Age 6)

Rating: 4 / 5

This book is about
This book tells you about different things in the Stone-Age, such as hand-painting in caves, Stonehenge, hunting and gathering, farming, clothes, homes and hand-made objects.

The main characters are

My favourite part of the book is
Learning about the marks left on the landscape by the Stone-Age people and the monuments.

I would also like to say
When people were buried in the tombs, they had red paint or clay put onto them, but no-one knows why.