Under Attack! Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Join Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger as they find out all about strong defences, past and present.

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Project X
  • Type: Non-Fiction
  • Author: Mick Gowar

Reviews from Our Readers

Ethan (Age 6)

Rating: 4 / 5

This book is about
The book tells you about different ways of defending buildings and protecting them, like Hadrian's Wall and The Great Wall of China. We learned about drawbridges, moats, high walls and battlements on castles too.

The main characters are
There are no main characters.

My favourite part of the book is
I liked the labelled diagram of the parts of the medieval castle.

I would also like to say
It can be a good idea to have security cameras because it can help to provide evidence when crimes have been committed.

Emmanuel (Age 10)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
In this book it tells us how there are different ways to defend a attack like having a wall or a moat surrounding the castle to prevent anyone taking the castles.

The main characters are
The main characters are Max, Cat, Ant and Tiger.

My favourite part of the book is
My favourite part of the book is on page 20-24.

I would also like to say

Ciaran (Age 6)

Rating: 5 / 5

This book is about
The book tells you about types of castles and how they were defended against invaders. Ways of defending castles include having a moat and drawbridge, using cannons or things like trebuchets and bastions. Most homes now have security alarms and some buildings have security cameras to keep them safe.

The main characters are
No main characters.

My favourite part of the book is
When you find out about security cameras.

I would also like to say
If you a learning about history at school, why not tell your teacher about how people used to defend castles.

See a Sample Page

Under Attack! Sample Page