Fly Facts Book Cover

What's the Book About?

Everything that you ever wanted to know about flies – and maybe a few things you didn’t. A non-chronological report

Book Details

  • Band:
  • Scheme: Collins Big Cat
  • Type: Non-Fiction
  • Author: Janice Marriott

Reviews from Our Readers

Jake N (Age 6)

Rating: 3 / 5

This book is about
A fly sits on a boy's apple and the next day it makes him sick. It tells you the names of different flies when they have just been born.

The main characters are

My favourite part of the book is
When the fly says I can see you and the boy says that fly must have eyes in the back of his head.

I would also like to say
This book gave me the creeps.

Tess (Age 6)

Rating: 1 / 5

This book is about
This is a book about flies. Their body parts, how they grow, and how they spread germs.

The main characters are

My favourite part of the book is
When I found out that flies are like butterflies because they change from a creepy crawly in to a fly from a pupa.

I would also like to say
When I was scootering back from town I saw maggots in a food recycling bin and now I know they were baby flies.

Hannah (Age 6)

Rating: 4 / 5

This book is about
disgusting flies!!!! YUK!!!!

My favourite part of the book is
all of it because it was disgusting.

I would also like to say
I now hate flies and dont want them to touch my food because I dont't want to get sick with germs.

See a Sample Page

Fly Facts Sample Page